November 27, 2018

Emergency Planning

 Do you have an emergency plan?

The high risk season for weather events and bushfires is approaching. It is important that you are well prepared and able to respond to emergency events.

We don’t like thinking about “worst case” scenarios, but emergencies happen. If you are elderly or a person living with a disability the impacts of emergency situations can be even more critical. Having a plan can significantly reduce both the stress and impacts of an emergency situation. Its also important to consider what you will do for your beloved pets as well.

A couple of simple tips:

  • have an emergency contact list
  • put together an emergency kit ( with a torch, medication list, radio and batteries etc)
  • have an evacuation plan arranged , if you need assistance like transport you could get a friend or neighbour to be your go to contact

Regardless of what you do, having a plan will assist you.

Take a look at the Gold Coast “Be Prepared” website for some more helpful tips on getting ready.